25 research outputs found

    Im谩genes estereosc贸picas aplicadas a la representaci贸n arquitect贸nica

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    El uso de los m茅todos estereosc贸picos a帽ade una nueva dimensi贸n a las representaciones y ampl铆a el conocimiento del objeto representado, a la vez que despierta el inter茅s del espectador por aquello que visualiza. Sin embargo, las t茅cnicas estereosc贸picas, que tuvieron su origen hace casi dos siglos, son actualmente poco conocidas y apenas se utilizan en el campo cient铆fico y docente, pues parece como si s贸lo estuvieran en manos de los gur煤s de la industria cinematogr谩fica y sus fundamentos hubieran ca铆do en el olvido, precisamente en un momento en el que las nuevas tecnolog铆as nos abren un mundo de posibilidades. En esta Tesis se pretende aglutinar los aspectos hist贸ricos y t茅cnicos de la estereoscopia en un documento 煤nico, que pueda servir de ayuda a todos aquellos que quieran incorporarla como una v铆a complementaria de expresi贸n, tanto en el campo de la divulgaci贸n cient铆fica, como en el docente. Por este motivo no se aborda s贸lo una cuesti贸n espec铆fica, sino que se pretende ofrecer una visi贸n global del problema estereosc贸pico y resolver una serie de carencias particulares, detectadas con la pr谩ctica de la estereoscopia, realizando aportaciones propias tanto desde el punto de vista t茅cnico, como del hist贸rico. Es importante contextualizar los contenidos, analizando los antecedentes y su historia, empezando por los protagonistas y las aportaciones m谩s relevantes. Resulta igualmente necesario prestar especial atenci贸n a los aspectos psicofisiol贸gicos de la visi贸n, que resultan determinantes en el fen贸meno de la percepci贸n estereosc贸pica, teniendo en cuenta los estudios m谩s relevantes en el campo del confort visual. Todo ello permite identificar los par谩metros clave de la percepci贸n estereosc贸pica y los factores que pueden inducir distorsiones perceptivas; a partir de ellos se dise帽a una metodolog铆a de captura estereosc贸pica propia para establecer los par谩metros 贸ptimos, que garanticen una experiencia de visualizaci贸n confortable y eviten las distorsiones perceptivas del modelo representado. Se analizan tambi茅n los medios de reproducci贸n y visionado actuales, estudiando los formatos multimedia compatibles con los modernos televisores 3D y las plataformas de distribuci贸n de contenido estereosc贸pico a trav茅s de internet. A ra铆z de este an谩lisis se aporta una metodolog铆a eficaz y pr谩ctica, basada en software libre, para elaborar y editar material estereosc贸pico propio, ya sean im谩genes est谩ticas o v铆deos. Los panoramas esf茅ricos se han convertido en un recurso muy apreciado en la representaci贸n arquitect贸nica y en las t茅cnicas de realidad virtual, pero nunca antes se hab铆a planteado una versi贸n estereosc贸pica de este tipo de im谩genes panor谩micas. Por ello, se ha dise帽ado un m茅todo de captura fotogr谩fica que permite obtener panoramas esf茅ricos estereosc贸picos y se han desarrollado los algoritmos necesarios para poder elaborar un visor espec铆fico con el que visualizarlos de manera efectiva. Se ha realizado una profunda b煤squeda bibliogr谩fica y un an谩lisis comparativo de las publicaciones estereosc贸picas relacionadas con la expresi贸n gr谩fica. Tambi茅n se han destacado varios de los escasos ejemplos de aplicaci贸n en el campo cient铆fico, sacando a la luz algunos casos in茅ditos. Por 煤ltimo, se ha llevado a cabo un minucioso estudio documental, para tratar de censar y obtener las fotograf铆as estereosc贸picas de Valencia, publicadas por los editores comerciales del siglo XIX. Ello permitir谩 recuperar la memoria de diversos elementos arquitect贸nicos desaparecidos y conocer los aspectos urbanos de este periodo, en visi贸n estereosc贸pica.Cabezos Bernal, PM. (2014). Im谩genes estereosc贸picas aplicadas a la representaci贸n arquitect贸nica [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Polit猫cnica de Val猫ncia. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/46640TESISPremios Extraordinarios de tesis doctorale


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    [EN] The main purpose of the article is to show a working methodology based on free software to obtain orthophotos with conventional digital cameras and make photogrammetric methods available to any person interestedin obtaining good accuracy metric data from photographs. Architectural photographers will also find a correct way to make perspective corrections to their photographs. Considerations about shooting conditions are explained concerning focal length, aperture, focus and hyperfocal distance concept. Optical aberrations are analized, also basics of camera calibration and image correction process using free software are exposed. Software download links are provided. The article concludes with several examples applying the methodology described and showing details about obtained accuracy.[ES] El objetivo del art铆culo es mostrar una metodolog铆a de trabajo, basada en software libre, para obtener ortofotos usando c谩maras digitales convencionales y poner los m茅todos fotogram茅tricos al alcance de cualquier persona interesada en obtener datos m茅tricos precisos a partir de fotograf铆as. Tambi茅n los fot贸grafos podr谩n aplicar la metodolog铆a expuesta para corregir de manera eficaz la perspectiva de sus fotograf铆as. Se exponen ciertas consideraciones acerca de las condiciones de la toma fotogr谩fica en lo que respecta a distancia focal, diafragma y enfoque, incluyendo el concepto de distancia hiperfocal. Se analizan las distorsiones 贸pticas m谩s relevantes y se explican los fundamentos del proceso de calibraci贸n de la c谩mara y el proceso de rectificaci贸n de la imagen, haciendo uso de software libre del que se proporcionan los links de descarga. El art铆culo concluye con diversos ejemplos de aplicaci贸n de la metodolog铆a expuesta y precisiones obtenidas.Cabezos Bernal, PM.; Cisneros Viv贸, JJ. (2012). FOTOGRAMETR脥A CON C脕MARAS DIGITALES CONVENCIONALES Y SOFTWARE LIBRE. EGA. Revista de Expresi贸n Gr谩fica Arquitect贸nica. 17(20):88-99. doi:10.4995/ega.2012.1407SWORD8899172

    Virtual musealization techniques. The capitals of the monastery of San Cugat

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    [EN] New photogrammetric survey techniques such as SfM photo-modeling allow us to document the cultural heritage through textured three-dimensional models that can be showed via the Internet through the recent repositories of 3D models, allowing suitable interactive viewing from any computer or mobile device. Even reaching a totally immersive visualization mode, when using a virtual reality viewer such as the economic Google Cardboard. This implies a great advance for the enhancement and dissemination of heritage. In this article we will discuss the application of these new techniques and recent viewing platforms that have been used to create a virtual museum, accessible from the Internet, which shows the Romanesque capitals of the cloister of the Monastery of San Cugat, its symbolism and the possible theories connecting them with the music[ES] Las nuevas t茅cnicas de levantamiento fotogram茅trico, como la foto modelaci贸n SfM, nos permiten documentar el patrimonio mediante modelos tridimensionales texturizados que pueden ser divulgados v铆a internet a trav茅s de los recientes repositorios de modelos 3D que permiten su visualizaci贸n interactiva de manera muy 谩gil desde cualquier ordenador o dispositivo m贸vil, incluso de forma totalmente inmersiva si se dispone de un visor de realidad virtual como el econ贸mico Google Cardboard. Ello supone un gran avance para la puesta en valor y divulgaci贸n del patrimonio, por lo que en este art铆culo expondremos la aplicaci贸n de estas novedosas t茅cnicas y el uso de estas recientes plataformas de visualizaci贸n en la creaci贸n de un museo virtual, accesible desde internet, que muestra los capiteles rom谩nicos del claustro del Monasterio de San Cugat, su simbolog铆a y las posibles teor铆as que los relacionan con la m煤sica.Cabezos Bernal, PM.; Rossi, A. (2017). T茅cnicas de musealizaci贸n virtual. Los capiteles del Monasterio de San Cugat. EGA. Revista de Expresi贸n Gr谩fica Arquitect贸nica. 22(29):48-57. doi:10.4995/ega.2017.7340SWORD48572229Rodriguez, P., 2012, La fotogrametr铆a digital automatizada frente a los sistemas basados en sensores 3D activos, Revista EGA, 20, pp. 100-111

    Documenting Paintings Using Gigapixel SfM Photogrammetry

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    [EN] Capturing paintings with gigapixel resolution (resolution around 1000 megapixels or greater) is an innovative technique that is starting to be used by some important international museums for documenting, analysing, and disseminating their masterpieces. This line of research is extremely interesting, not only for art curators and scholars, but also for the general public. The results can be disseminated through online virtual tours, offering a detailed interactive visualization. These virtual tours allow the viewer to delve into the artwork, in such a way, that it is possible to zoom in and observe those details, which would be negligible to the naked eye in a real visit. Therefore, this kind of virtual visualization using gigapixel images becomes an essential tool to enhance this cultural heritage and to make it accessible to everyone. This article will describe an affordable methodology, based on SfM photogrammetry techniques, with which it will be possible to achieve a very high level of detail and chromatic fidelity, when documenting and disseminating pictorial artworks. As a practical example, there will be shown a case study of the altarpiece, from the Museo de Bellas Artes de Valencia (Spain), entitled Virgen de las fiebres, painted around 1500 by Bernardino di Benedetto di Biagio, nicknamed `Il Pinturicchio' (Perugia, ca. 1454 驴 Siena, 1513).This research was carried out within the Research Project entitled Captura fotogr谩fica de resoluci贸n gigap铆xel para la documentaci贸n y divulgaci贸n del patrimonio pict贸rico (01/01/19- 01/01/21), reference SP20180066. Project funded with the help of Primeros Proyectos de Investigaci贸n (PAID-06-18), Vicerrectorado de Investigaci贸n,Innovaci贸n y Transferencia de la Universitat Polit猫cnica de Val猫ncia (UPV), Val猫ncia, SpainCabezos Bernal, PM.; Rodr铆guez Navarro, P.; Gil Piqueras, T. (2021). Documenting Paintings Using Gigapixel SfM Photogrammetry. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. 93-100. https://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-archives-XLVI-M-1-2021-93-20219310

    Documenting Paintings with Gigapixel Photography

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    [EN] Digital photographic capture of pictorial artworks with gigapixel resolution (around 1000 megapixels or greater) is a novel technique that is beginning to be used by some important international museums as a means of documentation, analysis, and dissemination of their masterpieces. This line of research is extremely interesting, not only for art curators and scholars but also for the general public. The results can be disseminated through online virtual museum displays, offering a detailed interactive visualization. These virtual visualizations allow the viewer to delve into the artwork in such a way that it is possible to zoom in and observe those details, which would be negligible to the naked eye in a real visit. Therefore, this kind of virtual visualization using gigapixel images has become an essential tool to enhance cultural heritage and to make it accessible to everyone. Since today's professional digital cameras provide images of around 40 megapixels, obtaining gigapixel images requires some special capture and editing techniques. This article describes a series of photographic methodologies and equipment, developed by the team of researchers, that have been put into practice to achieve a very high level of detail and chromatic fidelity, in the documentation and dissemination of pictorial artworks. The result of this research work consisted in the gigapixel documentation of several masterpieces of the Museo de Bellas Artes of Valencia, one of the main art galleries in Spain. The results will be disseminated through the Internet, as will be shown with some examples.This research was carried out within the Research Project entitled Captura fotografica de resolucion gigapixel para la documentacion y divulgacion del patrimonio pictorico (01/01/19-01/01/21), reference SP20180066. Project funded with the help of Primeros Proyectos de Investigacion (PAID-06-18), Vicerrectorado de Investigacion,Innovacion y Transferencia de la Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (UPV), Valencia, Spain.Cabezos Bernal, PM.; Rodr铆guez Navarro, P.; Gil Piqueras, T. (2021). Documenting Paintings with Gigapixel Photography. Journal of imaging. 7(8):1-20. https://doi.org/10.3390/jimaging70801561207

    Using drones under 250 g for documenting the architectural heritage

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    [EN] The emergence of drones in recent years has revolutionized the field of photogrammetry due to the advantages that their use entails. opening a new variety of possibilities, as the use of close-range aerial photogrammetry. Therefore, the main objective of this contribution is to analyse the legal limits for this kind of drones under 250 g and to determine the quality of the results that can be obtained when they are used for graphic surveying. The methodology consisted in carrying out the survey of a renaissance courtyard, which is known as the Patio del Embajador Vich, one of the most relevant spaces in the city of Valencia that is currently integrated inside of the Museo de Bellas Artes de Valencia. The courtyard constitutes an excellent test bench due to the complexity of its sculptural forms and its combination with the large stucco panels. The photogrammetric survey was carried out with a DJI mini 2 drone, weighting less than 250 gr, equipped with a 1/2.3驴 CMOS sensor with a resolution of 12 Mp. In addition, a survey with a laser scanner Leica RTC 360 was also carried out to compare both of them and to estimate the precision of the photogrammetric survey. Two types of photogrammetric surveys were carried out, the first of which was taken at a medium distance to achieve the restitution of part of the general volume, while the second consisted of a very close-range survey of one of the original capitals, in order to restore a more detailed model. The conclusions of this study, that arises from the comparison and study of the models obtained, will reveal the convenience of using this kind of drones and its application to architectural heritage surveying.This contribution is part of the R+D+i project / Grant PID2020-119469RB-I00, funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation/ State Research Agency/10.13039/501100011033.Rodr铆guez Navarro, P.; Cabezos Bernal, PM.; Gil Piqueras, T.; Gim茅nez Ribera, M. (2022). Using drones under 250 g for documenting the architectural heritage. DisegnareCon. 15(29):1-19. https://doi.org/10.20365/disegnarecon.29.2022.1119152

    Valorization and dissemination of lost urban heritage. Valencia, the walled city

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    [EN] This article shows a case study in which some new virtual musealization techniques such as immersive panoramic photography, rephotography and video animations have been used in order to valorize and disseminate many of the lost urban spaces of the city of Valencia in Spain, mainly those belonging to the ancient walled city. The whole Christian wall was demolished in 1865 along with the majority of the gateways by the governor Cirilo Amor贸s, with the exception of two of the main gates that were saved from demolition thanks to the fact that them were used as the jails of the city in that period. The research start with a compilation of the ancient representations of the city that has been carried out in order to analyze the urban evolution of the city. The main aim of the study is to develop an interactive visualization of the lost walled city combining a breathtaking ancient bird驴eye view by the French architect and lithographer Alfred Guesdon, with an aerial spherical panorama of the current city, which will allow the user to compare how the city has evolved in the last centuries. In order to do so, a thorough study of perspective in the ancient drawing has been carried out to accurately restore the viewpoint. Those views have also been used to create an elaborated video animation that will allow the viewer to get immersed inside the ancient city as in a sort of journey into the past in order to recover the memory of the lost walled city. The interactive results can be visualized though the Internet and some links and QR codes will be given at the end of the article in order to allow everyone, by means of a computer or even a mobile device, such as a smartphone, to visualize all the generated contents.Cabezos Bernal, PM.; Cisneros Viv贸, JJ. (2018). Valorization and dissemination of lost urban heritage. Valencia, the walled city. DisegnareCon. 11(21):12.1-12.11. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/120361S12.112.11112

    Herramientas de entrega, evaluaci贸n y calificaci贸n telem谩tica

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    [EN] The aim of this article is to present a new software package, developed at the UPV, which let us to evaluate and to score the student鈥檚 works in an efficient way, thus optimizing the time spent by the teacher to do these tasks. This software package also facilitates the student the on-line delivery of their works and speeds the reception by the teacher. This software package has tree modules or applications: the delivery module, the monitorization module and the evaluation and scoring module. The delivery module serves to send easily and properly the student鈥檚 works. The monitorization module checks the delivery process allowing the teacher to download the works from the server, whereas the evaluation and scoring module provides a specific workbench to evaluate the works by means a customizable database to create type corrections and rubrics, which facilitates the evaluation and scoring process. After that, the student receives automatically a structured e-mail containing the evaluation and feedback provided by the teacher[ES] La comunicaci贸n pretende dar a conocer un paquete de aplicaciones, desarrollado en la UPV, que permite evaluar y calificar trabajos de forma eficiente, optimizando el tiempo dedicado por el docente a estas tareas. Este paquete de aplicaciones tambi茅n facilita a los alumnos la entrega telem谩tica de los trabajos y agiliza su recepci贸n por parte del profesor. Este paquete de aplicaciones inform谩ticas consta de tres aplicaciones o m贸dulos: el m贸dulo de entrega, el m贸dulo de monitorizaci贸n y el m贸dulo de evaluaci贸n y calificaci贸n. El m贸dulo de entrega permite al alumno enviar sus trabajos, de manera r谩pida y sencilla. El m贸dulo de monitorizaci贸n controla el proceso de entrega y permite descargar los trabajos, mientras que el m贸dulo de evaluaci贸n y calificaci贸n consiste en un entorno de trabajo que permite visualizar f谩cilmente los trabajos entregados y dispone de una base de datos para crear correcciones tipo y r煤bricas personalizadas para agilizar la tarea de evaluaci贸n y calificaci贸n. El alumno recibe la calificaci贸n y evaluaci贸n del trabajo con el feedback proporcionado por el profesor mediante un email en el que se estructura toda la informaci贸n.Cabezos Bernal, PM.; Cisneros Viv贸, JJ. (2015). Herramientas de entrega, evaluaci贸n y calificaci贸n telem谩tica. En In-Red 2015 - CONGRESO NACIONAL DE INNOVACI脫N EDUCATIVA Y DE DOCENCIA EN RED. Editorial Universitat Polit猫cnica de Val猫ncia. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2015.2015.1575OC

    La restituzione fotogrammetrica 2D/3D di elementi architettonici e l'integrazione dei modelli virtuali sulle fotografie dell'intorno reale, mediante programmi CAD, software liberi e fotocamere convenzionali

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    [EN] This article shows a working method using CAD and free software to do the calibration process for a conventional digital camera to correct the distortion produced by the lens. It will continue with the 3D restitution of the main geometric elements of the projection, and finally, the spatial geometric reconstruction of the elements of interest appearing in the photo, without needing of topographical support. It will be also shown a method to make the integration of the threedimensional model on the photograph of the environment in which the building will be constructed, so that, if it s seen from the appropriate point of view, it will be perfectly integrated in the place of photography where it really should be, which is extremely useful when showing an architectural project.[IT] Questo articolo mostra un metodo di lavoro che si avvale di un software libero e di programmi CAD per eseguire, in primo luogo, la calibrazione di una fotocamera digitale convenzionale, affinch茅 si possano correggere le distorsioni introdotte dall鈥檕biettivo. In secondo luogo, si procede con la restituzione geometrica tridimensionale degli elementi principali della proiezione e, alla fine, con la ricostruzione geometrica nello spazio degli elementi di interesse che appaiono nella fotografia, senza la necessit脿 di un supporto topografico. Si spiega anche come fare l鈥檌ntegrazione del modello tridimensionale sulla fotografia dell鈥檌ntorno in cui l鈥檈dificio deve essere costruito, in modo che, se guardato dal punto di vista opportuno, questo sar脿 perfettamente integrato nel luogo della fotografia dove in realt脿 dovrebbe stare, cosa che risulta estremamente utile quando si mostra un progetto architettonico.Cabezos Bernal, PM.; Cisneros Viv贸, JJ. (2013). Photogrammetric 2D/3D restitution of architectural elements and the integration of virtual models with his photographed real environment, using CAD, freeware software and conventional cameras. DisegnareCon. 6(12):VI-1-VI-11. doi:10.6092/issn.1828-5961/3849SVI-1VI-1161

    Teaching innovation in Descriptive Geometry. Digital tools and case studies

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    [EN] Using computer in graphical expression teaching is being generalized in most of Architecture Schools.The subject of this paper is to show our experience in adapting traditional methodologies and contents tothe new three-dimensional drawing environment provided by CAD software. We pay much attention to the selection of those exercises that students must undertake. Every year we prepare a set of di erent architectural case studies containing di erent surfaces to be analyzed that are away from those abstract traditional exercises whose practical sense and application are not perceived by the student. Spatial resolution of problems and geometrical analysis of surfaces drawn from real architectural examples increasesinterest for the subject and usefulness is easily understood by the student[ES] La introducci贸n del ordenador en las disciplinas gr谩ficas se va generalizando poco a poco en la mayor铆a de Escuelas de Arquitectura. Esta comunicaci贸n pretende mostrar nuestra experiencia y adaptaci贸n de los contenidos al entorno de dise帽o tridimensional que ofrecen las herramientas de dise帽o actuales, prestando especial atenci贸n a la selecci贸n de los casos pr谩cticos que el alumno debe acometer. Cada a帽o planteamos un elenco distinto de modelos arquitect贸nicos reales que contienen las superficies de estudio, muy alejados de los tradicionales ejercicios abstractos con los que el alumno no lograba percibir su aplicaci贸n pr谩ctica a la arquitectura. La resoluci贸n espacial y el an谩lisis geom茅trico de las superficies extra铆das de los ejemplos arquitect贸nicos reales, aumenta el inter茅s y la motivaci贸n del alumno por la asignatura, pues 茅ste es capaz de ver r谩pidamente su aplicabilidad.Cisneros Viv贸, JJ.; Cabezos Bernal, PM. (2016). La innovaci贸n en la ense帽anza de la Geometr铆a Descriptiva. El uso de las herramientas digitales y el estudio de casos reales. Modelling in Science Education and Learning. 9(1):109-120. doi:10.4995/msel.2016.4554SWORD1091209